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Craft Beer Discovery

By August 30, 2016June 10th, 2024One Comment

I’m a wine drinker. The seemingly growing list of Italian indigenous grape varieties to discover and taste could amuse me for many lifetimes. I’ll admit that my summer repertoire includes an occasional spritz. I only started down the craft beer path in 2015 thanks to a summer heatwave, beer tastings, and curiosity. Despite Italy’s ingrained wine making culture, you’d be missing an aspect of Italy’s food and beverage scene if you didn’t indulge in craft beer. Tart and wild ales, zippy pilsners and chocolatey stouts are everywhere. The striking rise in popularity is driven by renewed interest in beer making and drinking.The renaissance of the malty hoppy brew started in the mid-90s in Northern Italy when a handful of home beer makers got brewing. Today the number stands at about 600 producers sprinkled across diverse regions. From home-brewers to microbreweries and styles inspired by classic Germany, Belgium, UK and U.S. brewers to Italian born brews, there’s been an explosion from the top to the bottom of the boot and let’s not forget the islands. This worldwide interest has shaken up tradition separating style and origin leaving every beer to tell a story.


For a list of a few of my favorite beers continue reading “Veering to Beer” .

Photo credit: Andrea Di Lorenzo 

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