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As thanks for subscribing, you’ll receive our NEW complimentary eBook titled ‘Inverno‘ a personal collection of favorite winter recipes, complete with ingredient lists and step-by-step instructions to create these dishes in your kitchen. Bring on the cozy, warm feeling of pulling up a chair to an Italian table. The fireplace is crackling, the pots on the stove are bubbling, the wine is breathing in the glass.
The recipes we share in our latest eBook are from the heart, they carry more beyond an ingredient list and few, simple directions. They celebrate the glorious inverno, the winter season. Every time we make them and enjoy them with loved ones they rekindle special sensations. These dishes are emotions in edible form.
Click here to receive your free copy!

Once you download the eBook, please be sure to let us know your thoughts, feedback, and experiences with the recipes enclosed – you can also find us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.